Pine Garden Bonsai Co.

20331 S. R. 530 NE
Arlington, WA 98223
phone (800) 746-3281, (360) 435-5995; fax (360) 435-4865

CARE GUIDE: Sageretia thezans (Tropical)

Copyright ©1997 Pine Garden Bonsai
Sageretia, aka Chinese Sweet Plum, has shiny leaves of pale green, and a two toned patch-work bark. Our twelve inch Sageretia have massive, shaped trunks. The smaller 9” plants are in themselves interesting and a challenge to your creativity.

Sageretia was illustrated as a bonsai in paintings as old as the Tang Dynasty, and remains, today, one of the favorite Chinese plants for bonsai, especially in the south where the practice of Lingnang, “cut and grow” is most popular.

A prodigious grower, Sageretia is highly suited to indoor growing and to training as a bonsai. During winter it survives very well indoors at temperatures between 64 and 72 degrees F. provided that the humidity is kept sufficiently high.

Care: Spray frequently in winter, especially if your house is kept above 60 degrees. Keep evenly moist with lots of water in the summer. Plants deprived of water will exhibit dry leaves which will fall off. They recover, but don’t push your luck more than twice. During the growing period include liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/4 the recommended concentration, with every watering. A standard house plant fertilizer (like Peters 20-20-20-) is fine. See “Grow-stix” recommendation in Ficus retusa care sheet. Site in bright sunlight, but if very hot, shade somewhat. Repot and prune roots every two years or so, before new spring growth. If not pruned look for delicate yellow-white flowers in the leaf axils of new shoots.

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Our 1997 Sageretia are particularly recommended by the caliper of their trunks at the ground. This can be as much as four and five inches across in the biggest sizes.

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Copyright ©1997 Pine Garden Bonsai. Last updated 21 May 97 eb

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