Care: Ficus retusa which originates in south eastern Asia thrives on warm, even temperatures and constant soil moisture. Site this tree indoors, in bright but indirect light, until fear of frost has passed. In winter place your Ficus in a bright east, south or west window; avoid drafts; maintain temperature at 60 to 70 degrees F. Mist frequently; during the winter withhold fertilizer. Water thoroughly, but allow the plant to dry somewhat between waterings.
When you move the Ficus outdoors, place it in a shaded spot. If you site your plant in a brighter light expect the leaves to drop in the fall when brought inside again. Water liberally keeping the soil continually moist. Fertilize each time you water with a dilution one-fourth the recommended concentration of any 20-20-20 house plant fertilizer, likePeters, Miracle Grow or Schultze, or use a slow release stick fertilizer such as Jobs-Stix, in the following manner: Break a stick in half and put 1/2 in opposite corners; 2 weeks later, put two more halves in the other corners; renew throughout the growing season.
The plant has done very well until about a month ago when the leaves started to curl. I checked the roots and they look good. That is, there are new white roots growing. I have used an insecticidal soap on it and just started a fungicid.
Kate Bowditch responds:
"First line of defense: cut (don't pull) EVERY SINGLE LEAF off the ficus. Then scrub with a tooth brush and insecticidal soap. (Instead of the expensive insecticidal soap, I use Ivory at ten cents a bar), Keep the plant moist but not wet until you see new leaves forming (about six weeks). Then begn to fertilize.
I do this with all my ficus, every January. It forces a rest, regroup and rejuvenation. Also- check the root ball for soil aphids. Change soil if necessary
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1) Marty Klein, President of The American Bonsai Society
2) 2. The U.S. Department of Agricuture requires that trees imported from abroad be inspected to determine that no soil be included on them.