Populations and Peoples in Lakrene

by Jeff Richard

The total population of Lakrene and Talastar circa 330 is roughly 45,000.


Three walled cities built on the banks of the Erinflarth River form the heart of Lakrene. These cities are important as centers of culture, trade and politics. The gods of the cities of Lakrene are those of the traditional Orlanthi pantheon (with Issaries often being very important) and several locally important gods and heroes. The Erinflarth River is worshipped in all three Lakrene cities.


Lord Kuleneth the Warlord
Population: 1000
Troops: 75 Warriors


Lord Havaranal the Stout
Population: 750
Troops: 50 Warriors


Lord Doburanth (Lanisti)
Population: 1000
Troops: 50 Warriors

The Nine Clans

The Nine Clans are the original peoples of Talastar. With a total population of over 30,000, many of these "clans" are more like a Heortling tribe than a clan. The basic social unit of the Nine Clans is the "sept" (also confusingly referred to as "clan"), a settlement of roughly 100 to 500 people that claim a common ancestry. The gods of the Nine Clans are Orlanth and his Lifebringer Companions, and the ancestors and divine protectors of the Nine Clans. Talasta, the Good Goddess, is venerated at Varknathendar.


Population: 4000
Septs: 20
Warriors: 80


Population: 2500
Septs: 15
Warriors: 50


Population: 1000
Septs: 5
Warriors: 20


Population: 9000
Septs: 25
Warriors: 150


Population: 4000
Septs: 15
Warriors: 50


Population: 1000
Septs: 5
Warriors: 20


Population: 3500
Septs: 15
Warriors: 50


Population: 4000
Septs: 20
Warriors: 60


Population: 1500
Septs: 5
Warriors: 30

The Heortling Clans

Some 15,000 Heortlings have settled in the valley of the Erinflarth. These clans are larger than any sept of the Nine Clans and are usually wealthier and more militaristic than their counterparts in the Nine Clans. They worship the traditional Orlanthi pantheon. All consider themselves members of the Kingdom of the Heortlings, although all are also members of the Lakrene Confederacy.


Population: 2000
Warriors: 100


Population: 2500
Warriors: 125


Population: 2000
Warriors: 100


Population: 2000
Warriors: 100

The Odrangings built and settled Voranel and their chieftain is traditionally Lord of that city.


Population: 2500


Population: 2000
Warriors: 100


[NB: the Vargdolings are often considered members of the Lanisti Clan and are divided into 3 septs]

Garenath the Wealthy
Population: 2000
Warriors: 100

The Warlord of Lakrene

Lakrene at war is led by a single warlord, currently Kuleneth of Voranel. Traditionally when the army of Lakrene is summoned, the Warlord is allowed to handpick 200 warriors from the gathering, who are obligated to follow him for the duration of the campaign. Other chiefs, thanes and warleaders may participate as well, but only the handpicked warriors must follow the Warlord for the length of the war (or until another summons is made).

Peoples and Populations in Dara-Ni

Total Population: 24,000

Cities of Dara-Ni


Lord Hestenus the Tyrant
Population: 1000
Troops: 211 mercenaries


Lord Ketosum
Population: 500
Troops: 100 mercenaries


Lord Deldaros
Population: 500
Troops: 50 mercenaries

Garnadrin (Temple Complex)

High Priestess Sedessa
Population: 250
Troops: 25 Temple Defenders

Orlanthi Clans of Dara-Ni

The primitive folk of Dara-Ni who worshipped the goddesses at Garnadrin embraced Orlanth worship after encountering the Lifebringer missionaries several centuries ago. They have continued to venerate their traditional dieties, ancestors and spirits and many have also embraced gods from Terarir and even Dara Happa.

Some forty "septs" or clans averaging around 500 members are scattered throughout the lower Erinflarth valley. Some of the septs claim a single divine ancestor and are more properly refered to as a clan or tribe. These "clans" or "tribes" are usually very weak and have difficulty uniting. All of the Dara-Ni Orlanthi clans except the Orlantteffings and the Sardakestings pay some tribute to the city lords but are largely left alone.


Population: 2500
Septs: 5
Warriors: 25


Population: 3500
Septs: 7
Warriors: 40


Population: 4000
Septs: 8
Warriors: 60


Population: 5000
Septs: 10
Warriors: 50

Independent Septs

Population: 4000
Septs: 10
Warriors: 40

Other Folks of Dara-Ni

Dara Happan Settlements

Villages: 8
Population: 4000

There has been some migration from Darjiin and Henjarl over the last two centuries and as a result several small Dara Happan villages occupy lower Dara Ni where the Erinflarth becomes sluggish and marshy. The traditional goddesses of Garnadrin are venerated as wives and consorts of Lodril by the peasants. The villages give tribute to the city lords in exchange for protection and are subject to conscription and forced labor.


Population: 1500

Copyright ©2003 David Dunham. Last updated 5 Oct 03.

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